Computing Data Project

This is some temporary documentation to help with developing and testing
the site. The parameters you can use in the URL:

* min_cpu - minimum number of vCPUs required
* min_ram - minimum amount of RAM required
* provider_filter - filter the provider name using a regex
* name_filter - filter the instance name using a regex
Provider Name Region Date RAM (GB) vCPU Processor Storage type Storage size (GB) Cost (dollars per hour)
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge US East (N. Virginia) 2017-08-16 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 3.2000
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge US East (N. Virginia) 2017-05-19 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 3.2000
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge US East (N. Virginia) 2017-03-04 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 3.4470
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge US East (N. Virginia) 2016-12-14 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 3.4470
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge US East (N. Virginia) 2017-12-01 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 3.2000
Amazon EC2 m4.16xlarge spot US East (N. Virginia) 2018-07-21 256 64 Intel Xeon E5-2686 v4 EBS Only 0.9800